Updating the iOS App

Over the last year we have received a lot of feedback on our app. Some of the most asked for features related to how to improve photo collection, better reviewing before uploading on device, better browsing on device, more information on processing progress and what happens around you. After looking the same since we started, it is now time to update the app.

The feed

A few weeks ago we introduced feeds to Mapillary. Mapillary got a global feed, and your profile page got a personal feed. Now the personal feed moves into the app too. The app has five tabs where the default one is the feed view. Here you will see all activities and events related to you. For example progress on uploads, status of edits, and comments. We will add activities for regions and users that you want to follow in the future.

feed The iOS app feed view.

Photo reviewing

Lots of users asked for better ways of controlling what to upload and ways to faster review photos. Now you can upload individual sequences, or upload everything. That way you can decide what to prioritize an also only upload the ones you are happy with. Swiping left on the sequence overview lets you easily delete a sequence.

Once you open a photo for review you will have a new edit view that lets you delete and skip to the next photo and even rotate photos that have incorrect orientation. Swiping over the photo lets you go back and forth in the sequence.

edit Easily review photos before uploading.

Your profile

Some of the information from your profile page moves out to the app too. Now you can see your recent stats and uploads in one place.

profile Your profile view, with stats and uploaded sequences.

New map and photo views

The photo viewer is a web view that had a lot of issues in the previous version of the app, especially when you wanted to move around between photos or move the map. This is now much improved and the photo and map are locked in place which means that swipe up/down on photos will now let you easily scrub through a sequence.

viewer Improved photo and map view.

New camera

The camera got an update too. Looks better and now with easier closing and changing of capture modes.

camera New camera layout.

That's it! We hope you will enjoy this major step forward in improving the usability of Mapillary. Report any issues you find on Github and we will get right on it. Your feedback is always welcome, on Twitter or email.

/Jan Erik

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