Maptime NL Summer Camp 2015

This is a guest post from one of our very dedicated users filipc who took part of a mapping event in the Netherlands.

In August this year the Dutch organization which are working for the development of open source software for geo-information was organizing a five days mapping event at GeoFort. In total we were thirteen people who attended, all with different geo skills. Everything from developers to graphic artist. I was the only non-professional attendee.


Each day was dedicated to different tools and the third day it was time for Mapillary. As I have been using Mapillary quite a bit I held a short section about the app and how to capture the best photos. I was very proud to be able to show the mapping I have done of Flanders.

We decided to start in the morning and we wanted to take map photos of the GeoFort. To catch the best sunlight we planned the walk with SunCalc.


We walked together in a group and had our cameras pointing in different directions to capture a broad area. We actually looked like a human camera rig. Walk with us here.

I can highly recommend to gather a group of people and do photo mapping together. It is a lot of fun and in very little time you can cover an area from many different angles. My tips for newcomers who want to map a specific area is to do a bit of planning and divide the area into different sections and then just go out and start taking photos.


A full story of the five days will be published in the printed version of

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